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Indexes To Select Deaths From The Buffalo, NY Area 1871 - 2024


You Chose Volume: V06, Letter: M, 356 Names Available






Surname Notes Appearance Info
M'CONNELL-FLEURY - Mary Bflo News 1/13/1931 +
MacDONALD-BOUDREAU - Mary Bflo News 12/11/1964 +
MacDONALD-BROWN - Myrtle Bflo News 2/16/1953 +
MacDONALD-FARLEY - Sara June Bflo News 10/27/1923 +
MacFARLANE - George Bflo Daily Courier 2/3/1918 +
MACHMER-JACOBSON - Evelyn Bflo News 1/12/1996 +
MACHTEL-MORTEN - Alice Bflo News 1/12/1996 +
MACK - Maude Hankin (Memoriam) Bflo News 10/27/1923 +
MACKEO?GH - Margaret (Report Of Death) Bflo Morning Express 3/31/1925 +
MacKINNON - Albert Bflo News 2/16/1953 +
MACKOWIAK - Agnes (Report Of Death) Bflo News 1/16/1931 +
MacLEAN - Mary Bflo News 6/19/1926 +
MADDEN - Frank (Report Of Death) Bflo News 11/29/1941 +
MAEDER - Raymond (Report Of Death) Bflo News 11/29/1941 +
MAGER - Bertha (Memoriam) Bflo News 2/16/1953 +
MAGGIO-SALEMI - Mariana Courier-Express 2/24/1927 +
MAGILL - Emily Courier-Express 2/14/1927 +
MAGNER-ZINK - Mildred Courier-Express 8/6/1927 +
MAHAN - James Bflo News 2/19/1953 +
MAHONEY - John (Report Of Death) Bflo Daily Courier 1/8/1890 +
MAHONEY - Julia Bflo News 5/10/1957 +
MAHONEY-HICKEY - Margaret Courier-Express 1/30/1927 +
MAHONY - Timothy Bflo News 2/25/1953 +
MAHR - Gregor Bflo News 8/13/1915 +
MAINES-MAINS-EDERER - Mary Bflo News 11/25/1941 +
MAINS - Mary (Report Of Death) Bflo News 11/25/1941 +
MAINS-MAINES-EDERER - Mary Bflo News 11/25/1941 +
MAISCHOSS - Charles Bflo Morning Express 12/1/1885 +
MAJEWSKI - Igna?z (Report Of Death) Bflo Morning Express 3/31/1925 +
MALACHOWSKA - F. (Report Of Death) Bflo News 1/15/1931 +
MALACHOWSKI - Michael Bflo News 2/25/1953 +
MALACHOWSKI - Walter Bflo News 11/29/1941 +
MALCHOWSKI - Frank (Report Of Death) Bflo News 1/16/1931 +
MALE-STRONG - Nellie Bflo Courier-Express 9/20/1938 +
MALGERIE-TOMASSO - Carmella (Obituary) Bflo News 10/29/1987 +
MALIN - Charles (Report Of Death) Bflo Courier-Express 1/21/1942 +
MALINOWSKI - Eugene Bflo News 7/16/1976 +
MALLN - Charles Bflo News 1/19/1942 +
MALNOR - Gabrial Bflo News 1/3/1939 +
MALONE - Anna Bflo Daily Courier 2/20/1907 +
MALONE - Patrick (Report Of Death) Bflo Morning Express 4/7/1925 +
MALONEY-BARRY - Nellie Bflo Courier-Express 9/15/1938 +
MALONEY-MORRISSEY - Rita Bflo News 1/12/1996 +
MAMMOSER - Alberta Courier-Express 12/19/1930 +
MANCUSO - Maria Bflo Courier-Express 9/25/1938 +
MANDEL - Sylvester (Infant) (Report Of Death) Bflo Daily Courier 7/13/1889 +
MANDY - Donald (Infant) (Report Of Death) Bflo News 1/19/1931 +
MANGAN - Neal Courier-Express 1/30/1927 +
MANLEY - John (Report Of Death) Bflo Daily Courier 1/1/1890 +
MANN - August (Report Of Death) Courier-Express 9/28/1943 +
MANN - Florence Bflo Daily Courier 1/18/1918 +
MANNING-HACKETT - Jennie Bflo News 6/25/1940 +
MANNION-HARRINGTON - Catherine Courier-Express 2/7/1927 +
MANNS - Fred Bflo News 6/27/1940 +
MANOLOPOULES-MANOS - Anna Bflo News 8/14/1984 +
MANOS-MANOLOPOULES - Anna Bflo News 8/14/1984 +
MANOUSE-JOSETT - Nina Bflo News 11/25/1941 +
MANSLING - Frederick (Report Of Death) Bflo Daily Courier 1/1/1890 +
MANZ - Gottlieb Bflo News 1/19/1942 +
MANZ - Gottlieb (Report Of Death) Bflo Courier-Express 1/21/1942 +
MARCUCCI - Angelo Bflo News 5/29/1962 +
MARENCOVICK - Nicholas Bflo Daily Courier 2/3/1918 +
MARIEN-PARADEIS - Clara Bflo News 7/16/1976 +
MARKENS - Natalie (Infant) (Report Of Death) Bflo Daily Courier 1/8/1890 +
MARKS - Mack (Memoriam) Bflo News 3/13/1937 +
MARLINSKI - Jozef (Report Of Death) Bflo News 1/15/1931 +
MAROTTA - Joseph Bflo News 2/16/1953 +
MARSH - Daisy (Report Of Death) Bflo News 10/7/1943 +
MARTIN - Louis Bflo News 4/10/1950 +
MARTIN-LISZEWSKA - Irene Bflo News 12/11/1964 +
MARTIN-ONDELL - Marjorie Bflo News 4/15/1990 +
MARVIN - Martha Courier-Express 8/6/1927 +
MASON - Grace (Report Of Death) Bflo News 11/25/1941 +
MASON - Ida (Report Of Death) Bflo Morning Express 3/31/1925 +
MASON - Robert Bflo News 4/10/1950 +
MAST-THEOBALD - Margaret Bflo Daily Courier 1/31/1907 +
MASUR - Joseph (Report Of Death) Bflo News 1/7/1931 +
MATTHEWS - Lula (Report Of Death) Bflo News 10/4/1943 +
MATTIELLO - Rocco Bflo News 1/19/1942 +
MATTIELLO - Rocco Bflo Courier-Express 1/20/1942 +
MATUSZAK - Frank (Waclaw) Bflo News 12/11/1964 +
MAUER - Mary (Report Of Death) Bflo News 5/24/1926 +
MAUERMAN - Frederick Courier-Express 2/7/1927 +
MAURER - Herman Courier-Express 7/21/1927 +
MAY-DITTMER - Katherine Courier-Express 12/19/1930 +
MAYER - Charles Bflo Courier-Express 9/17/1938 +
MAYER - George Bflo News 4/6/1950 Part
MAZUR - Ludwig Bflo News 2/16/1953 +
MAZUROWSKA - Mary ROD 3/5/1930 +
McBRIDE-LENNON - Ellen Courier-Express 2/10/1927 +
McCABE - Frank Bflo News 2/25/1953 +
McCADDEN - John Bflo Courier-Express 9/25/1938 +
McCANN - Joseph Courier-Express 2/14/1927 +
McCARNEY - Bessie Bflo Daily Courier 1/21/1918 +
McCARTHY - Charles Bflo News 4/15/1950 +
McCARTHY - John Bflo Daily Courier 6/17/1914 +
McCARTHY-O'DONNELL - Ellen Courier-Express 1/28/1927 +
McCAULEY-PRICE - Henrieta Bflo News 6/25/1940 +
McCLEARY - Harry Courier-Express 12/19/1930 +
McCLELLAN - Floyd Bflo News 11/25/1941 +
McCLIMANS - John Courier-Express 2/19/1927 +
McCLURE-PYNE - Agnes Bflo News 7/16/1976 +
McCONNELL - Mary (Report Of Death) Bflo News 1/13/1931 +
McCONVEY - Margaret (Report Of Death) Bflo Daily Courier 1/18/1890 +
McCORMICK - Rose (Report Of Death) Bflo News 10/5/1943 +
McCORRY-WHITE - Amelia Courier-Express 2/14/1927 +
McCOURT - Kathryn Bflo Daily Courier 6/2/1914 +
McCOY - Edward Bflo Daily Courier 6/17/1914 +
McCOY-HARRISON - Helen Bflo News 6/19/1926 +
McCREADY - Clarence Bflo Morning Express 3/16/1925 +
McCREADY - Stiles Bflo Morning Express 4/4/1925 +
McCULLOCH - Louis Bflo News 10/9/1939 +
McDERMID - A. W. (Report Of Death) Bflo News 1/13/1931 +
McDERMOTT - Elizabeth Bflo Daily Courier 2/3/1918 +
McDONALD - Archie Bflo News 10/9/1939 +
McDONALD - Archie (Report Of Death) Bflo News 10/11/1939 +
McDONALD - Lois Bflo Morning Express 3/16/1916 +
McDONALD-SHAW - Mary Courier-Express 2/16/1927 +
McDONNELL - Ellen Courier-Express 7/31/1927 +
McDONOUGH - Mary Bflo News 4/10/1950 +
McDONOUGH - Regina (Report Of Death) Bflo News 9/6/1935 +
McDOWELL - Ne?? Bflo Courier-Express 9/10/1938 +
McFADDEN - Carlton (Report Of Death) Courier-Express 9/28/1943 +
McFARLAND - William Bflo News 2/16/1953 +
McFEELY-HALL - Sara Bflo News 4/1/1950 +
McGAHAN - J (Infant) (Report Of Death) Bflo News 5/17/1926 +
McGARVEY - Thomas (Report Of Death) Bflo Daily Courier 1/18/1890 +
McGEE-BROWN - Alean Bflo News 7/11/1968 +
McGILL-McGIRL - John Bflo News 12/23/1955 +
McGIRL-McGILL - John Bflo News 12/23/1955 +
McGOVERN - Joseph Courier-Express 7/31/1927 +
McGRADY - Ray Bflo News 4/10/1950 +
McGREEN - John Bflo Daily Courier 1/21/1918 +
McGRODER-MULLEN - Alice Bflo News 4/6/1950 +
McGUIRE - Frank Courier-Express 1/30/1927 +
McGURK-COFIELD - Elizabeth Bflo News 10/27/1923 +
McINTYRE-BURNS - Carrie Bflo Morning Express 4/7/1925 +
McKAY - Charles (Report Of Death) Bflo Morning Express 4/7/1925 +
McKEE - Ellen Bflo Morning Express 3/16/1916 +
McKENDRY - Sarah Bflo News 12/23/1955 +
McKENNA-PETERS - Anna Courier-Express 9/28/1943 +
McKINNON-BRENT - Lucy Bflo News 6/19/1926 +
McKOWNE - John Bflo Daily Courier 9/7/1915 +
McLEAN - Hugh Courier-Express 2/16/1927 +
McMAHON - Matthew Bflo Daily Courier 2/3/1907 +
McMAHON - Robert Courier-Express 12/19/1930 +
McMAHON-CONNON - Elizabeth Courier-Express 2/19/1927 +
McMANUS-CHAMBERLIN - Catherine Bflo Courier-Express 9/22/1938 +
McMINN-SNYDER - Addie Courier-Express 2/19/1927 +
McNAMARA-COLPOYS - Delia Bflo News 12/11/1964 +
McNAULTY-HAYES - Margaret Bflo Courier-Express 9/3/1938 +
McNELLIE-HADLEY - Emily Courier-Express 9/28/1943 +
McNETT Eli Bflo News 8/3/1915 +
McNULTY - William Bflo Daily Courier 1/15/1918 +
McNUTT - Rudolph Courier-Express 7/24/1927 +
McROBERT - Mary Bflo News 12/11/1964 +
McRONALD - Etta Bflo News 7/11/1968 +
McSWEENEY - Ella Bflo Daily Courier 2/12/1907 +
McVAN - John Bflo News 11/29/1941 +
McWILLIAMS - Louisa (Report Of Death) Bflo Daily Courier 7/24/1889 +
MECCA-TIMCO - Ann Margaret Bflo News 4/15/1950 +
MECK-HOCK - Mary Bflo News 6/24/1968 +
MEDCALFE - Edward Bflo News 6/25/1940 +
MEEGAN - Stephen Bflo Daily Courier 1/31/1907 +
MEEGAN-LEVIS - Bridget Bflo Daily Courier 2/3/1918 +
MEEHAN - Marjorie Bflo News 12/23/1955 +
MEHL - Dr. William Bflo News 11/29/1941 +
MEHLENBACHER - Howard Courier-Express 9/29/1943 +
MEHLER-EGNER - Hulda Bflo News 4/6/1950 +
MEISL - Catherine (Memoriam) Bflo News 12/10/1964 +
MEISSED-KUNZ - Anna Bflo Courier-Express 9/25/1938 +
MEISSNER - Kathleen Courier-Express 2/14/1927 +
MEISTER - Christina (Report Of Death) Bflo Daily Courier 1/1/1890 +
MELANDER - Maggie (Report Of Death) Bflo Daily Courier 1/8/1890 +
MELDRUM - Julia (Report Of Death) Bflo News 10/7/1943 +
MEMMINGER - Mary (Report Of Death) Bflo News 1/7/1931 +
MENCH-HAHN - Minnie (Memoriam) Bflo Daily Courier 6/2/1914 +
MEND - John (Report Of Death) Bflo News 1/31/1934 +
MENDRYKOWSKI - R. (Infant) Bflo News 1/13/1931 +
MERCER - Nora Courier-Express 8/3/1927 +
MERCER - William (Infant) (Report Of Death) Bflo Daily Courier 1/8/1890 +
MERGENHAGEN-JUNGHERR - Maria Bflo Daily Courier 2/3/1907 +
MERKLING - Anne (Memoriam) Bflo News 11/3/1975 +
MERROW - Clarence (Report Of Death) Courier-Express 9/29/1943 +
MERTZ-CALBACK - Helen Bflo News 12/17/1955 +
MERVILLE - Florence Bflo News 10/27/1923 +
MERVILLE - Florence (Obituary) Bflo News 10/27/1923 +
MESSENGER - Willie Bflo Morning Express 12/1/1885 +
MESTER - Pauline Bflo Daily Courier 6/2/1914 +
METHERELL - John Courier-Express 2/5/1927 +
METKE-PABST - Anna Bflo News 11/25/1941 +
METZ - Bertha Courier-Express 2/10/1927 +
METZ - Bertha Courier-Express 2/12/1927 +
METZ - Emerson Bflo News 11/25/1941 +
METZ-DESMOND - Nora Bflo Daily Courier 2/3/1918 +
METZ-MEYER - Florence Bflo News 1/19/1942 +
METZ-MEYER - Florence Bflo Courier-Express 1/20/1942 +
METZINGER - Theodore Bflo Courier-Express 9/25/1938 +
MEYER - Ethel Bflo News 1/19/1942 +
MEYER - Ethel (Report Of Death) Bflo Courier-Express 1/21/1942 +
MEYER - John Bflo News 2/25/1953 +
MEYER - John (Report Of Death) Bflo Daily Courier 1/22/1890 +
MEYER - Mary (Report Of Death) Bflo Daily Courier 1/8/1890 +
MEYER - Theodore (Report Of Death) Bflo Daily Courier 1/1/1890 +
MEYER - William Bflo News 12/11/1964 +
MEYER-KREISS - Emelia Bflo News 4/6/1950 +
MEYER-METZ - Florence Bflo News 1/19/1942 +
MEYER-METZ - Florence Bflo Courier-Express 1/20/1942 +
MEYER-O'DEA - Ethel Bflo Courier-Express 1/21/1942 +
MEYER-VOELKLE - Mary Bflo Daily Courier 1/6/1890 +
MEYERSON-FRIENDLY - Henrietta Bflo Morning Express 3/24/1925 +
MICHAEL - Isidore (Report Of Death) Bflo News 1/13/1931 +
MICHALSKI - Leon Bflo News 4/1/1950 +
MICHALSKI-DRAJEM - Bertha Bflo News 5/29/1962 +
MICHELS - Leo Bflo News 2/25/1953 +
MIESS - Viola (Report Of Death) Bflo News 10/11/1939 +
MIGA - Henry Bflo News 7/11/1968 +
MIKOLAJEK - Alfred Bflo News 7/11/1968 +
MIKOS - Frank (Report Of Death) Bflo News 1/14/1931 +
MILES - William Bflo News 4/10/1950 +
MILITELLO - Carmella (Report Of Death) Bflo News 11/25/1941 +
MILITELLO - Joseph (Cards Of Thanks) Bflo News 12/10/1964 +
MILKS - Matilda Bflo Daily Courier 2/19/1908 +
MILLENER-DAY - Pauline Courier-Express 2/19/1927 +
MILLER - Charles Bflo Morning Express 3/16/1925 +
MILLER - Christian (Report Of Death) Bflo Daily Courier 1/1/1890 +
MILLER - Erie Luvern Bflo News 12/11/1964 +
MILLER - Gottlieb Courier-Express 2/5/1927 +
MILLER - Harry Bflo News 5/29/1962 +
MILLER - Harvey Bflo News 12/23/1955 +
MILLER - John (Report Of Death) Bflo News 1/14/1931 +
MILLER - John (Report Of Death) Bflo News 1/31/1934 +
MILLER - Joseph (Infant) (Report Of Death) Bflo Daily Courier 1/16/1890 +
MILLER - Katherine Courier-Express 9/28/1943 +
MILLER - Lillian (Report Of Death) Bflo News 6/10/1926 +
MILLER - Mary (Report Of Death) Bflo Daily Courier 1/4/1890 +
MILLER - Matthew Bflo News 2/25/1953 +
MILLER - Otto Bflo Daily Courier 12/10/1898 +
MILLER-BOMM - Lillian Bflo Courier-Express 9/8/1938 +
MILLER-FOLEY - Laura Bflo News 7/11/1968 +
MILLER-KELLER - Anna Bflo News 8/13/1915 +
MILLER-MULLEN - Helen Bflo News 4/6/1950 +
MILLER-WEIS - Anna Bflo News 4/15/1950 +
MILLIGAN - George Bflo News 4/15/1950 +
MILLIGAN - John Bflo News 3/23/1933 +
MILLIGAN - Thomas Courier-Express 1/28/1927 +
MILLS - Alexander (Report Of Death) Bflo Daily Courier 1/22/1890 +
MILLS - John (Report Of Death) Bflo Morning Express 4/4/1925 +
MILLS - Joseph (Report Of Death) Bflo News 10/11/1939 +
MILLS-KIRSCH - Goldie Bflo News 11/29/1941 +
MILOTTE - Warren (Report Of Death) Bflo News 11/25/1941 +
MILSOM - Alfred Courier-Express 2/12/1927 +
MILTENBERGER - William Bflo News 6/19/1926 +
MINTO - William (Report Of Death) Bflo News 9/14/1935 +
MIRANDO-CARBONE - Lucia Bflo News 2/19/1953 +
MISNER - Mark Simcoe Reformer-Canada 6/8/2007 +
MISTELSKI-KESSLER - Katherine Bflo Daily Courier 6/2/1914 +
MITCHELL - C. ROD 3/5/1930 +
MOECKEL - Kurt (Report Of Death) Bflo News 1/14/1931 +
MOFFAT-PROOVOST - Matilda Bflo Morning Express 11/19/1895 +
MOHR - Katherine (Report Of Death) Bflo News 10/7/1943 +
MOLISSE - Frank Courier-Express 9/27/1943 +
MOLISSE - Frank (Report Of Death) Courier-Express 9/29/1943 +
MOLL - Anna (Report Of Death) Bflo Morning Express 4/7/1925 +
MOMBERGER - George Bflo Courier-Express 9/8/1938 +
MONAGLE-HILL - Sylvia Bflo News 2/19/1953 +
MONCZYNSKI - Mary (Report Of Death) Bflo Courier-Express 1/21/1942 +
MONCZYNSKI-HYB? - Mary Bflo News 1/19/1942 +
MONDRY - Joseph Bflo News 8/8/1980 +
MONIN - Frank Bflo Courier-Express 9/20/1938 +
MONROE-BUCHANAN - Lorrain Bflo News 1/12/1996 +
MONTGOMERY-SPATTSWOOD - Margaret Courier-Express 2/7/1927 +
MOONEY - Theresa (Report Of Death) Bflo News 10/7/1943 +
MOONEY - William Bflo Daily Courier 6/10/1914 +
MOORE - Annie (Report Of Death) Bflo Daily Courier 1/8/1890 +
MOOTZ - Frederick Courier-Express 2/20/1927 +
MORABITO - Raffaela Courier-Express 2/16/1927 +
MORAN - Dr. Mitchell Bflo News 11/25/1941 +
MORAN - Elizabeth Bflo Daily Courier 1/15/1918 +
MORAN - Mary Bflo News 8/7/1915 +
MORAN - Mary (Report Of Death) Bflo Daily Courier 1/4/1890 +
MORAN-SUPPLES - Julia Bflo Daily Courier 1/15/1918 +
MOREHOUSE-PHELPS - Mary Bflo Morning Express 11/20/1885 +
MORETUZZO - Albane Bflo News 1/12/1996 +
MORGENSTERN-LUTZ - Minnie Bflo Courier-Express 1/22/1942 +
MORIAITY-CRONIN - Mary Bflo Courier-Express 1/21/1942 +
MORIARITY - James Bflo News 4/6/1950 +
MORIARITY-CRONIN - Mary Bflo News 1/19/1942 +
MORIARITY-OSBORN - Margaret Bflo Daily Courier 6/2/1914 +
MORK - Ida (Report Of Death) Bflo Daily Courier 1/16/1890 +
MORLOCK - Elizabeth (Infant) (Report Of Death) Bflo Daily Courier 1/22/1890 +
MORONE - Raffaela (Card Of Thanks) Bflo News 4/6/1950 +
MORONEY - Mary Bflo News 2/19/1953 +
MORPHIS - Olga Bflo News 3/16/1968
MORRIS - Elwin Bflo News 5/29/1962 +
MORRIS - John Bflo News 12/23/1955 +
MORRIS - John Bflo Courier-Express 9/24/1938 +
MORRIS - Louis Bflo News 4/10/1950 +
MORRIS-WALKER - Corrinne Bflo News 12/23/1955 +
MORRISON - Kenneth Bflo Courier-Express 9/3/1938 Part
MORRISON - Margaret Bflo Daily Courier 1/15/1918 +
MORRISON-BAILY - Mary Bflo News 2/16/1953 +
MORRISSEY-GOSS - Irene Bflo Courier-Express 1/22/1942 +
MORRISSEY-MALONEY - Rita Bflo News 1/12/1996 +
MORRO-GOODENOUGH - Dora Bflo Morning Express 3/16/1916 +
MORSE - Lucinda (Report Of Death) Bflo News 10/5/1943 +
MORSE-PUTNAM - Ruth Bflo News 6/27/1940 +
MORTEN-MACHTEL - Alice Bflo News 1/12/1996 +
MORTON - Earl Bflo News 6/19/1926 +
MORTON - Gertrude Courier-Express 2/14/1927 +
MOSBACH - Valentine (Report Of Death) Bflo Daily Courier 1/10/1890 +
MOSIER - Jeraldine Courier-Express 2/20/1927 +
MOYLE - Anna (Report Of Death) Bflo News 10/5/1943 +
MOZINGO - William Bflo News 7/11/1968 +
MRGICH - Alexander Bflo News 4/1/1950 +
MROWINSKI - Richard (Memoriam) Bflo News 2/19/1953 +
MUCCI - Sabina (Report Of Death) Bflo Courier-Express 1/21/1942 +
MUCCI-TIBERI - Satina Bflo News 1/19/1942 +
MUEL'R - Martha (Infant) (Report Of Death) Bflo News 1/19/1931 +
MUELLER - Infant (Report Of Death) Bflo News 9/6/1935 +
MUELLER - Mary (Report Of Death) Bflo News 9/14/1935 +
MUELLER-REITZ - Alma Bflo News 6/27/1940 +
MULHALL - Margaret Bflo Daily Courier 11/27/1898 +
MULHOLLAND - Lillian Bflo Daily Courier 2/12/1907 +
MULLEN-McGRODER - Alice Bflo News 4/6/1950 +
MULLEN-MILLER - Helen Bflo News 4/6/1950 +
MULLER - Johannah (Report Of Death) Bflo Daily Courier 1/28/1890 +
MULLER - Kate (Report Of Death) Bflo Daily Courier 1/22/1890 +
MULLIGAN-GRAHAM - Ellen Bflo News 1/3/1939 +
MULLIN - Frances Bflo News 12/23/1955 +
MULROY - Michael Bflo News 2/19/1953 +
MUNRO-ROCHESTER - Margaret Bflo Daily Courier 1/8/1890 +
MUNSON - Arthur Bflo Courier-Express 9/22/1938 +
MUNTER - Alan Bflo Courier-Express 9/20/1938 +
MURDOCK-AWRE - Constance Courier-Express 7/31/1927 +
MURHN-La ROCQUE - Anne Bflo News 6/25/1940 +
MURNBY-WALLACE - Harriet Bflo News 1/16/1931 +
MURPHY - Dorothy (Report Of Death) Bflo News 10/4/1943 +
MURPHY - Harry (Memoriam) Bflo News 12/10/1964 +
MURPHY - James (Report Of Death) Bflo Daily Courier 1/10/1890 +
MURPHY - John Bflo Daily Courier 1/21/1918 +
MURPHY - John (Report Of Death) Bflo News 10/11/1939 +
MURPHY - Patrick Bflo Daily Courier 6/10/1914 +
MURPHY - Patrick Bflo News 4/10/1950 Part
MURPHY-CULLEN - Margaret Bflo Daily Courier 1/18/1918 +
MURPHY-KILROY - Anna Bflo Daily Courier 2/3/1918 +
MURPHY-SCHAEFER - Nellie Bflo Courier-Express 1/11/1942 +
MURRAY - Jack (Infant) (Report Of Death) Bflo Morning Express 3/24/1925 +
MURRAY - Walter Bflo News 3/16/1968
MUSCACO-GENOVESE - Rose Marie Bflo News 2/16/1953 +
MUSLIN - Henry (Report Of Death) Bflo Morning Express 4/1/1925 +
MYERS - Emma (Report Of Death) Bflo News 1/14/1931 +
MYERS - Jessie Courier-Express 2/12/1927 +
MYERS - Paul Bflo News 10/29/1987 +
MYERS-LUND - Mary Bflo News 4/6/1950 +
MYSZKA - Charles Bflo News 4/6/1950 +

Death Notices, Obituaries & Article Scans Are $4.00
Report Of Death, Missing Person & Cards Of Thanks Are $2.50
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